学院学术报告通知 - Auto Lighting Design and Application
发布时间:2017-06-05 浏览次数:

题目:Auto Lighting Design and Application



报告人: Jack Yao


Dr. Jack Yao receives his BSEE degree from Taiwan University, MSEE and PHDEE fromUniversity of Maryland (UM), US.Dr. Yao taught at UM for 1.5 years, and worked for US National Institute of StandardTechnology and Naval Research Lab in Washington DC on scientific projects such asneural network, radiation hardened device, various MEMS sensors, CMOS devicemodeling. Later, Dr. Yao worked on high/low temperature superconductor device andits application on high speed circuit design.Dr. Yao moved to Silicon Valley to work on silicon based projects, including Apple IIchip set controller, 2D graphics controller, DVD and 3D graphics controller design.Dr. Yao was a funder of a startup in Silicon Valley, engaging with venture capital for fundraising, company creation and acquisition, project/business planning and key peoplerecruiting. The company was later acquired by Cirrus Logic.Afterwards, Dr. Yao worked for a Taiwan based Memory design company, in charge ofbusiness planning, setting up and managing new analog business units, investment onnew startup companies, doing merger and acquisition.Currently Dr. Yao is the General Manager of Analog BU in ISSI, responsible for thebusiness development, product planning and overall P&L of ABU


In this seminar, Dr. Yao will discuss how LED is designed and used in today’s automobiles. Dr. Yao will start from the basic concept of LED lighting, the control device that drives LED, how the control circuit is implemented and how the LED is deployed in an automotive platform. Implementation of LED driver is quite similar to any other electronic IC design. Dr. Yao will describe such a standard flow for IC design, and in particular, what is the difference to design an IC specifically for automotive application. Many practical designed product examples will be illustrated.
