【讲座通知】2017年第29期-Exploration of Alternative Strategies for Burst Buffer Systems
发布时间:2017-06-18 浏览次数:

Title: Exploration of Alternative Strategies for Burst Buffer Systems

Spearker: Weikuan Yu, Florida State University (FSU)

时间:2017-06-22  10:00


Abstract: The growth of computing power on large-scale systems requires commensurate high-bandwidth I/O systems.  Many parallel file systems are designed to provide scalable I/O in response to applications’ soaring requirements.  In addition, the sheer size of computing components on leadership systems leads to ever-escalating failure rates. Checkpointing as a common defensive mechanism also demands an increasing share of I/O bandwidth on HPC systems. Novel I/O systems are imperative to provide commensurate I/O to meet the various needs of data-intensive applications on HPC systems. This talk will present our recent exploration oftwo distinct strategies for designingburst buffer systems. First I will describe a burst buffer framework called BurstMEM that extends the cutting-edge MemCached system to aggregate I/O bandwidth from remote shared SSDs and support data-intensive applications through several techniques including novel tree-based metadata indexing and coordinated shuffling for data management. Next I will present a new file system called BurstFS that leverages locally attached SSDs as burst buffers and features techniques for scalable I/O including scalable metadata indexing and co-located I/O delegation. Finally, I will conclude with a discussion on future directions on optimizing and hardening these burst buffer systems.

Bio: Dr. Weikuan Yu is a Full Professor in the Department of Computer Science at Florida State University (FSU). He served as a Research Staff Member in the Future Technologies group at Oak Ridge National Laboratory until 2009, and then an assistant and associate professor at Auburn University until 2015. Dr. Yu has founded the Computer Architecture and Systems Laboratory (CASTL) at FSU. His research interests include a multitude of technical areas including processor-memory architecture, big data analytics in social networks, high speed interconnects, cloud and distributed systems, storage and I/O systems. Many of Dr. Yu’s graduate students have joined prestigious organizations such as Boeing, Amazon, IBM, Intel, Yahoo and governmental laboratories upon graduation.

More information can be seen at http://www.cs.fsu.edu/~yuw/.
