【海韵讲座】2017年第28期-Photonic Crystal Heterogeneous Integration Platform for Membrane Photonics and Flexible Optoelectronics
发布时间:2017-06-26 浏览次数:

Title: Photonic Crystal Heterogeneous Integration Platform for Membrane Photonics and Flexible Optoelectronics

Speaker: Weidong Zhou, Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Texas at Arlington

Date: 1st July, 10:00AM

Venue: C505 Haiyun Administration Building


With a long term vision on extreme performance solid state physical devices and systems, we have been focusing on semiconductor membrane photonics, flexible electronics and optoelectronics, based on transfer printed nanoscale crystalline membrane materials and scalable heterogeneous integration photonic crystal nanaophotonic platforms. In this talk, I will discuss some of the research progresses made in my group, in the area of photonic crystal Fano resonance photonics for light-matter interactions, imaging, and sensing, with the focus on the scaling of ultra-compact on-chip membrane lasers for 3D integrated photonic/electronic systems.  

Bio: Professor Weidong Zhou obtained his BS and ME degrees from Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, and PhD degree from University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. He is currently a Distinguished University Professor at Electrical Engineering Department, leading nanophotonic device group. Dr. Zhou has authored and co-authored over 300 journal publications and conference presentations, including over 60 invited conference talks. Dr. Zhou and his group have made significant contributions in the area of photonic crystal flat optics and membrane photonics, especially membrane lasers and imagers, for integrated silicon photonics and flexible optoelectronics. Dr. Zhou is a fellow of SPIE, a senior member of IEEE, and a member of OSA, APS, MRS, and AAAS. He also serves and chairs in various conference committees and editorial boards. Dr. Zhou’s major awards include UTA Academy of Distinguished Scholars (2016), UTA Outstanding Research Achievement or Creative Accomplishment Award (2015), College of Engineering Excellence in Research Award (2013), Research Excellence Awards from UTA College of Engineering (2007, 2008), Rackham Predoctoral Fellow award (Univ. of Michigan, 2000-2001), IEEE/LEOS Graduate Student Fellowship award (IEEE/LEOS, 2000), Outstanding Graduate Award (Tsinghua Univ., Gold medal, 1993), Outstanding Student of Beijing (Beijing, 1992), etc.

Note: Immediate PhD and postdoc positions available. If interested, please contact Prof. Zhou at wzhou@uta.edu
