科技部,科技部ITER计划,2022YFE03110001,离位损伤及氢氦协同损伤作用的实验规律研究,2022.5- 2027.4,300万元,参与。
3. 福建省科技厅,福建省自然科学基金项目面上项目,2021J01054, 基于氧化镓异质结自供电日盲紫外光电探测器的研究, 2021.11-2024.10,5万元, 主持。
4. 深圳市科学技术创新委员会, 深圳市基础研究项目(面上项目), JCYJ20190809160401653, 二维过渡金属硫化物-石墨烯纳米墙太阳能电池关键材料及器件基础研究,2020.2-2023.1, 30万元, 主持。
5. 广东省科技厅, 广东省自然科学基金项目(面上项目), 2020A1515011187, 石墨烯纳米墙-硅异质结太阳能电池的界面优化, 2019.10-2022.9,10万元, 主持。
6. 国家自然科学基金委员会,联合基金项目(重点支持项目),U1967211,离子辐照下铅冷快堆用铁素体马氏体钢包壳材料的原位动态力学性能检测和失效机制研究,2020.1-2023.12,267万元,参与。
7. 深圳市科技创新委员会,深圳市基础研究项目(面上项目), JCYJ20170306141238532,石墨烯纳米墙的制备及其在硅基异质结太阳电池中的应用研究,2017.6-2019.5,28万元,主持。
8. 福建省科技厅,引导性项目,2015H0036,低成本、高效率第三代硅基异质结新型太阳能电池的研发,2015.4-2018.3,15万元,主持。
9. 教育部,留学回国人员科研启动基金,等离子体技术制备的氧化锌纳米线阵列及其在铜铟镓硒太阳能电池中的应用,2014.1-2016.12,3万元,主持。
10. 银娱优越会717,中央高校基本科研业务费,2013SH004,等离子体技术制备的氧化锌纳米线阵列及其在太阳能电池中的应用,2013.6-2015.12,15万元,主持。
W. C. Chen, X. Y. Xu, M. H. Li, S. L. Kuang, K. H. L. Zhang*, Q. J. Cheng*, A fast self-powered solar-blind ultraviolet photodetector realized by Ga2O3/GaN pin heterojunction with a fully depleted active region, Adv. Opt. Mater. 11, 2202847 (2023).
T. Su, B. H. Xiao, Z. K. Ai, L. J. Bao, W. C. Chen, Y. H. Shen, Q. J. Cheng*, K. Ostrikov, High-rate growth of gallium oxide films by plasma-enhanced thermal oxidation for solar-blind photodetectors, Appl. Surf. Sci. 624, 157162 (2023).
Y. H. Shen, Y. L. Li, W. C. Chen, S. J. Jiang, C. Li, Q. J. Cheng*, High-performance graphene nanowalls/Si self-powered photodetectors with HfO2 as an interfacial layer, Nanomaterials 13, 1681 (2023).
J. T. Yuan, S. T. Zhou, B. H. Xiao, Z. K. Ai, Y. H. Shen, G. Ran*, Q. J. Cheng*, Monolayer WS2 nanosheets passivated with HfO2 for enhanced photodetectors, ACS Appl. Nano Mater. 6, 4594-4601 (2023).
Z. K. Ai, L. J. Bao, B. H. Xiao, J. T. Yuan, W. F. Li, W . Y. Lin, C. Li, Q. J. Cheng*, A modified CVD method for the synthesis of monolayer MoS2 and photoelectric improvement by HfO2 passivation, Nanotechnology 34, 325601 (2023).
F. F. Huang, L. Zhang, S. Li, J. C. Fu, K. H. L. Zhang, and Q. J. Cheng*,Direct growth of graphene nanowalls on inverted pyramid silicon for Schottky junction solar cells, ACS Appl. Energy Mater. 4, 6574-6584 (2021).
Y. H. Gong, Z. N. Yang, L. Lari, I. Azaceta, V. K. Lazarov, J. Y. Zhang, X. Y. Xu, Q. J. Cheng*, and K. H. L. Zhang*, Optimizing the electronic structure of In2O3 through Mg doping for NiO/In2O3 p-n heterojunction diodes, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 12, 53446-53453 (2020).
G. H. Lin, H. C. Wang, L. Zhang, Q. J. Cheng* , Z. L. Gong*, and K. Ostrikov, Graphene nanowalls conformally coated with amorphous/nanocrystalline Si as high-performance binder-free nanocomposite anode for lithium-ion batteries, J. Power Sources 437, 226909 (2019).
M. Yu, Y. Q. Li, Q. J. Cheng*, and S. Li, Numerical simulation of graphene/GaAs heterojunction solar cells, Solar Energy 182, 453-461 (2019).
F. F. Huang, B. Guo, S. Li, J. C. Fu, L. Zhang, G. H. Lin, Q. R. Yang, and Q. J. Cheng*, Plasma-produced ZnO nanorod arrays as an antireflective layer in c-Si solar cells, J. Mater. Sci. 54, 4011-4023 (2019).
B Guo, M. Košiček, J. C. Fu, Y. Z. Qu, G. H. Lin, O. Baranov, J. Zavašnik, Q. J. Cheng*, K. Ostrikov, and U. Cvelbar*, Single-crystalline metal oxide nanostructures synthesized by plasma-enhanced thermal oxidation, Nanomaterials 9, 1405 (2019).
S. Li, G. H. Lin, Y. Li, Z. Li, W. X. Gao, Q. J. Cheng*, and C. Chen*, Fabrication and temperature-dependent performance of aluminum-alloyed back-junction n-type silicon solar cells, Prog. Photovolt. 26, 303-309 (2018).
J. C. Fu, Y. Z. Qu, F. F. Huang, L. Zhang, Q. R. Yang, and Q. J. Cheng*, Structure, optical property and reaction process of Si quantum dots embedded in an amorphous silicon carbide matrix, Phys. Plasmas 25, 113512 (2018).
W. Z. Chen, B. B. Wang, Y. Z. Qu, X. Huang, K. Ostrikov, I. Levchenko, S. Xu, and Q. J. Cheng*, Catalyst-free growth and tailoring morphology of zinc oxide nanostructures by plasma-enhanced deposition at low temperature, J. Nanopart. Res. 19, 95 (2017).
Y. Z. Qu, X. Huang, Y. Q. Li, G. H. Lin, B. Guo, D. Y. Song, and Q. J. Cheng*, Chemical bath deposition produced ZnO nanorod arrays as an antireflective layer in the polycrystalline Si solar cells, J. Alloys Compd. 698, 719-724 (2017).
S. Li, W. X. Gao, S. S. Zheng, H. R. Cheng, X. Yang, Q. J. Cheng*, and C. Chen*, Carrier mobility reduction and model in n-type compensated silicon, J. Cryst. Growth 476, 50-57 (2017).
S. Li, W. X. Gao, Z. Li, H. R. Cheng, J. X. Lin, and Q. J. Cheng*, N-type compensated silicon: resistivity, crystal growth, carrier lifetime, and relevant application for HIT solar cells, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 50, 195501 (2017).
J. Y. Wu, Y. J. Shao, B. B. Wang, K. Ostrikov, J. Feng, and Q. J. Cheng*, Plasma-produced vertical carbonous nanoflakes for Li-Ion batteries, Plasma Process. Polym. 13, 1008–1014 (2016).
B. B. Wang, K. Zhu, J. Feng, J. Y. Wu, R. W. Shao, K. Zheng, and Q. J. Cheng*, Low-pressure thermal chemical vapour deposition of molybdenum oxide nanorods, J. Alloys Compd. 661, 66-71 (2016).
B. B. Wang, K. Zheng, Q. J. Cheng*, and K. Ostrikov, Plasma effects in aligned carbon nanoflake growth byplasma-enhanced hot filament chemical vapor deposition, Appl. Surf. Sci. 325, 251-257 (2015).