电子科技大学工学学士,工业工程专业,2009.09 ~ 2013.07
电子科技大学工学硕士,机械工程专业,2013.09 ~ 2016.07
银娱优越会717工学博士,电磁场与微波技术专业,2016.09 ~ 2020.12
美国杜克大学,国家公派留学联合培养,2019.10 ~ 2020.10
IEEE Member
2. 高密度高速集成电路快速仿真建模方法研究,银娱优越会717校长基金项目,2023.01-2024.12,主持
[1] K. Chen, J. Chen, X. Hou, M. Zhuang, Q. H. Liu. Broadband S-Parameter Simulation Based on the Mixed Finite-Element Method and Symmetric Lanczos Algorithm[J], IEEE Access, 2023. DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2023.3236813.
[2] S. J. Wang, J. Liu, K. Chen*, Q. H. Liu*. A spurious-free domain decomposition method for 3-D Maxwell’s eigenvalue problems[J]. IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, 2023. 71(2): 548-560.
[3] K. Chen, X. Hou, M. Zhuang, N. Liu, Q. H. Liu. An efficient mixed finite-element time-domain method for complex electrically small problems. IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, 2019. 67(4):1285-1294.
[4] K. Chen, J. Liu, M. Zhuang, Q. Sun, Q. H. Liu. New mixed SETD and FETD methods to overcome the low-frequency breakdown problems by tree-cotree splitting. IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques. 2020. 68(8): 3219-3228.
[5] K. Chen, M. Zhuang, J. Liu, M. Yuan, Q. H. Liu. A combination of mixed FETD method and SPICE to simulate nonlinear multiport circuits. IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters. 2021. 31(2): 97-100.
[6] K. Chen, M. Zhuang, X. Hou, N. Liu, Q. H. Liu. The mixed finite-element time domain method for overcoming low –frequency breakdown. URSI Asia-Pacific Radio Science Confer. 2019.
[7] K. Chen, P. Du, B. Nie, D. Ren. An improved MOM approach to determine the shielding properties of a rectangular enclosure with a doubly periodic array of apertures. IEEE Transaction Electromagnetic Compatibility 58(5): 1456-1464, 2016.
[8] R. Hong, K. Chen, X. Hou, Q. Sun, N. Liu, Q. H. Liu. Mixed finite element method for full-wave simulation of bioelectromagnetism from DC to microwave frequencies. IEEE Transaction Biomedical Engine. 2020. 67(10): 2765-2772.
[9] X. Lu, K. Chen, L. Xiao, X. Wang, Q. H. Liu. Wideband low-frequency design of inductors and wireless power transfer coils using the mixed finite-element time-domain method. IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters. 2020. 30(7): 709-712.