2018–2019 Clemson University,联合培养博士生
2017–2018 Northwestern University,联合培养博士生
2015–2019 银娱优越会717,工学博士
2012–2015 银娱优越会717,工学硕士
2008–2012 河南工业大学,工学学士
IEEE member(2020–至今),OSA member(2020–至今)
Optics Express, Applied Optics, Chinese Optics Letters, Fiber and Integrated Optics期刊审稿人
蓝光 LD 泵浦高功率可见光Ho3+/Pr3+共掺氟化物光纤激光器研究,国家自然科学基金(青年)项目,2021-01至2023-12,在研,主持
[1] Z. B. He, W. S. Li*, et al. “Efficient UV-visible emission enabled by 532 nm CW excitation in an Ho3+-doped ZBLAN fiber,” Optics Express 30(7): 10414–10427, 2022.(中科院二区,Top期刊)
[2] S. H. Ji, S. Q. Liu, X. J. Lin, Y. Y. Song, B. Xiao, Q. C. Feng, W. S. Li*(共同通讯), et al. “Watt-level visible continuous-wave upconversion fiber lasers toward the “green gap” wavelengths of 535−553 nm,” ACS Photonics 8(8): 2311–2319, 2021.(中科院一区,Top期刊)
[3] X. J. Lin, Q. C. Feng, Y. Zhu, S. H. Ji, B, Xiao, H. Y. Xu, W. S. Li*(共同通讯), et al. “Diode-pumped wavelength-switchable visible Pr3+:YLF laser and vortex laser around 670 nm,” Opto-Electronic Advances 4(4): 210006-1-8, 2021.(中科院一区,Top期刊)
[4] W. S. Li, et al. “High-efficiency broadband tunable green laser operation of direct diode-pumped holmium-doped fiber,” Optics Express 29(10): 15564–15575, 2021.(中科院二区,Top期刊)
[5] W. S. Li, et al. “Directly blue diode-pumped green self-Q-switched Ho3+-doped fluoride all-fiber laser at ~550 nm,” Journal of Lightwave Technology, 37(22): 5727–5732, 2019.(中科院二区)
[6] W. S. Li, et al. “151W monolithic diffraction-limited Yb-doped photonic bandgap fiber laser at ~978 nm,” Optics Express, 27(18): 24972–24977, 2019.(中科院二区,Top期刊)
[7] W. S. Li, et al. “Efficient continuous-wave and short-pulse Ho3+-doped fluorozirconate glass all-fiber lasers operating in the visible spectral range,” Nanoscale, 10(11): 5272–5279, 2018.(中科院一区,Top期刊)
[8] W. S. Li, et al. “Bidirectional red-light passively Q-switched all-fiber ring lasers with carbon nanotube saturable absorber,” Journal of Lightwave Technology, 36(13): 2694–2701, 2018.(中科院二区)
[9] W. S. Li, et al. “716 nm deep-red passively Q-switched Pr:ZBLAN all-fiber laser using a carbon-nanotube saturable absorber,” Optics Letters, 42(4): 671–674, 2017.(中科院二区)
[10] W. S. Li, et al. “Orange-light passively Q-switched Pr3+-doped all-fiber lasers with transition-metal dichalcogenide saturable absorbers,” Optical Materials Express, 6(6): 2031–2039, 2016.(中科院三区)
[11] W. S. Li, et al. “Interlaced cholesteric liquid crystal fingerprint textures via sequential UV-induced polymer-stabilization,” Optical Materials Express, 6(1): 19–28, 2016.(中科院三区)
[12] W. S. Li, et al. “Investigation on the effect of output mirror transmission in WS2-based red-light passively Q-switched Pr:ZBLAN all-fiber lasers,” Applied Optics, 56(27): 7749–7755, 2017.(中科院三区)
[13] W. S. Li, et al. “Demonstration of patterned polymer-stabilized cholesteric liquid crystal textures for anti-counterfeiting two-dimensional barcodes,” Applied Optics, 56(3): 601–606, 2017.(中科院三区)
[14] W. S. Li, et al. “Effect of preparation parameters on the performance of polymer-stabilized cholesteric liquid crystals for laser emission,” Chinese Optics Letters, 12(11): 111602, 2014.(中科院三区)
[15] W. S. Li, et al. “Green self-Q-switched Ho:ZBLAN downconversion all-fiber laser at ~550 nm,” OSA Laser Congress 2017, ASSL/LAC, Nagoya, Aichi Japan, paper: JTu2A.37.(会议论文)
[16] W. S. Li, et al. “Green wavelength-tuning and -switching operation in holmium-doped all-fiber lasers,” OSA Laser Congress 2018, ASSL/LAC, Boston, Massachusetts United States, paper: AM6A.30.(会议论文)